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Orthopedics/Sports Injuries

Orthopedics/Sports Injuries

Non-Healing Fractures

How Can HBOT Help?

With the administration of 100% oxygen, the body receives increased levels of oxygen into the tissue promoting an increase in osteoblasts and osteoclasts, leading to healthy bone growth

Stimulates the production of collagen, the fibrous material that essentially brings broken bones back together

Refractory Osteomyelitis

Osteomyelitis is an infection in a bone. Infections can reach a bone by traveling through the bloodstream or spreading from nearby tissue. Infections can also begin in the bone itself if an injury exposes the bone to germs. Bacteria and fungi can cause osteomyelitis. This painful bone infection causes swelling that can damage bone and lead to bone loss. Fast treatment with antibiotics often works, but sometimes fails.

How Can HBOT Help?

  • Increases oxygen levels to the area thereby killing organisms that thrive in low oxygen environments
  • Works synergistically with antibiotics

Athletic Recovery/Sports Injuries

How Can HBOT Help?

  • Accelerates healing from acute muscle strain
  • Improves blood flow
  • Increases production of ATP
  • Increases collagen production
  • Reduces inflammation and pain
  • Decreases lactic acid

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